The weather is getting cooler, creepy embellishments are filling up the racks at stores, and pumpkin-flavored everything is ready and available at eateries around the country. Obviously, that must mean a certain something: Halloween is very close.
Halloween 2022
Halloween, derived from “All Hallows’ evening,” is a celebration observed in various countries on October 31st. It marks the beginning of Allhallowtide, a period in the ceremonial calendar dedicated to commemorating the deceased, which includes saints (hallows), martyrs, and all departed individuals..
Popular Halloween activities include;
- Going to houses asking for candy
- Going to Halloween costume parties
- Cutting pumpkins into jack-o’- lanterns
- Bonfires
- Apple bobbing
- Divination games
- Playing pranks
- Visiting haunted attractions
- Telling scary stories
It also includes watching horror or Halloween-themed movies. Certain individuals likewise go to Churches and light candles on the graves of the dead.
Trick-or-treating is a customary festival for kids on Halloween. Kids go in outfit from one house to another, requesting treats like sweets or in some cases money, with the question, “Trick or Treat”.
Anyway, concerning Halloween candy, not all treats are made same. A study uncovers the most renowned Halloween treats in the U.S., so read on to find which candy is the most sought after in your state.
- Most Popular Halloween candy: Jolly Rancher Hard Candy

- Most Popular Halloween candy: Jolly Rancher Hard Candy

- Most Popular Halloween candy: Jolly Rancher Hard Candy

New York
- Most Popular Halloween candy: Reese’s Pieces

- Most Popular Halloween candy: Good & Plenty

- Most Popular Halloween candy: AirHeads

- Most Popular Halloween candy: Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups

- Most Popular Halloween candy: Skittles

North Carolina
- Most Popular Halloween candy: Twix

- Most Popular Halloween candy: Kit Kat

New Jersey
- Most Popular Halloween candy: Sour Patch Kids

West Virginia
- Most Popular Halloween candy: Candy Corn

- Most Popular Halloween candy: Nerds

- Most Popular Halloween candy: Kit Kat

- Most Popular Halloween candy: Twix

These are all the popular candies to enjoy this Halloween, but, there could be a huge shortage of candies in the coming event, click here to know why.